Beurer Measuring these Can HelP Reduce Covid-19 RisksThese past couple of months have been a sneak peek into a post-pandemic world and a flashback to the pre-pandemic world. With the vaccine...
Beurer Can Air Purifiers Reduce the Spread of Covid-19?With covid cases rising in the U.S. and the increasing chances of another lockdown in several parts of the world, it’s important to...
Beurer The Key to Radiant and Youthful SkinOur skin says a lot about our health. From your diet to your stress levels, it shows all over your face and body. The key to perfect skin...
Beurer 5 Tricks to Beat the Summer HeatWhile summer brings the cookouts and beach weekends, the pesky heats also tag along and this year, it’s coming in HOT. All over the...
Beurer 4 Tips to Get Back Into a Healthy RoutineHaving trouble getting back into a healthy routine? Here are some quick tips to get back into the fit life.