June is Men's Health Month! This week we are giving you some tips on things you can do to be proactive about your health. This article goes more in-depth about different aspects you can improve health-wise.

Blood Pressure
To start off, almost all men downplay health concerns and avoid going to the doctor – whether that is for a specific consultation or an annual check-up. It is very important to break this habit and go in for yearly checkups to ensure you are in tip-top health. One of the most important things to keep an eye on is your blood pressure because high blood pressure can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. You can read more about cardiovascular disease prevention here. Beurer offers a selection of blood pressure monitors to help you keep an eye on your health in the comfort of your own home. Check them out on our Amazon page under the Health tab.

Eating Healthy
You've heard it before, but healthy eating habits do wonders to keep your health in check and avoid issues down the line. Staying away from sugary, processed foods and incorporating fresh vegetables, lean meats, fiber-rich, and whole-grain foods into your diet will make you feel physically and mentally better! There are many healthy recipes you can incorporate into your diet which the mentioned healthy foods, you can find some of them here. Pro tip: getting a kitchen food scale will definitely simplify the cooking process! Check out our KS19 which is currently on sale on Amazon.
Remember, June may be Men's Health Awareness month but these are things you should be prioritizing year-round. If you haven't started making these lifestyle changes yet, the time to start is now!